NeoPets Guides – A Look Inside the NeoBoards


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NeoPets Guides – A Look Inside the NeoBoards

by Kalathalan

Acronym: AC

What Happens Here: In this board, there is a lot of talk about avatars and NeoSignatures, obviously. There are games such as Avatar Simon Says, there are rating boards (rating userlookups, petpages, screenies, etc.), clubs (list below), Avatar Chats, and many other boards on a wide variety of topics.

DIQ – Dubber Island Quiggles
UST – Uber Siffeh Turtles
EACC – Experienced Avatar Collector’s Chat
FNP – Funkey Neopox Pizza
SSB – Saucy Snicklebeasts
CTTM – Coolness to the Max
GSS – Grumpy Sea Slugs
DLAB – Deranged Laboratory Addicts Board
AIAD – Aren’t I A Doll
OLP – Our Lookups Pwn
FP – Fried Peas
UEFA – Uber Evil Font Addicts
SOS – Save Our Spardels
SOG – Spiffy Orange Grundos
RSS – Rabid Screenie Squirrels
AAC- Anyone Avatar Chat

If you hear of any more, please notify me.

Battledome Chat
Acronym: BD Chat

What Happens Here: In this board, there are a lot of boards that have people buying, selling, and trading Battledome weapons. There are also quite a few boards advertising Battledome-related guilds. There is also a regular board called “RS and Chat”, and restockers frequent it. The BD Chatters know each other quite well. Finally, there are boards on a wide variety of topics. However, with all the buying and selling topics, seeing one of these is not as common as seeing one on the AC.

Beauty Contest
Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, there are a TON of boards asking for Beauty Contest votes. There are also a few vote-giving boards. If you’re lucky, you may see the VERY RARE board on another topic.

Evil Things and Monster Sightings
Acronym: EMS

What Happens Here: In this board, there are nothing but boards on a humoungous range of topics. The EMS is the equivalent to the former General Chat.

Fan Clubs
Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, there are nothing but boards on a humoungous range of topics. Equivalent to the EMS.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, you see a lot of game-related topics, NeoPets or non-NeoPets games. There are two “regular” boards – the Plushie Tycoon and Kadoatery boards. You may see non-game related boards every so often.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, there are tons of guild advertisements, “guildless” boards, and some other guild-related boards. “Guildless” boards are boards created by people who don’t have a guild and are looking to join one. Other guild-related boards may include guild raters, people asking for positions in a guild, or people looking for someone to make a guild with.

Acronym: HC

What Happens Here: In this board, there are many questions being asked. This chat is probably the most famous for its banners and petpages devoted to it. There are lots of boards on a huge variety here. The HC is usually full of new people seeking assistance. Many people consider it their “main” board to visit.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, you will find nothing except boards on a humoungous range of topics. Slightly equivalent to the former General Chat, except with more NeoPets-related boards.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: In this board, you may find some topics on real life NeoPets merchandise, some topics on website merchandise, and questions about NeoPets. However, about half the boards here are about things that have nothing to do with this board’s title.

NeoQuest + NeoQuest II
Acronym: NQ/NQII

What Happens Here: In this board, of course you will find NeoQuest and NeoQuest II related boards. You may find NQII Chats and quite a few topics unrelated to the board title. This is a “slow moving” board – if you go to the last page and click on the last board, it will often date back to the day before.

NeoPets Trading Card Game
Acronym: TCGC

What Happens Here: In this board, obviously there are topics on the real-life NeoPets TCG. You may also find people buying or selling online NeoPets TCG cards – for example, Beyond Neopia (TCG). Occasionally you may see another board on a topic unrelated to the TCG. This is one of the slowest moving boards – go to the last page and click the last topic. I found one that was 8 days old.

Neopian Writers
Acronym: NW

What Happens Here: The main discussion here is unrelated to this board’s title. However, the topics related to the subject of this board are usually about the Neopian Times. If not, there are boards on other forms of Neopian literature.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: The ultimate chat for newbies. A lot of chatspeak, a lot of boards that have nothing to do with the subject of this NeoBoard.

Other Worlds
Acronym: None

What Happens Here: The majority of the boards here are not on Other Worlds, but on totally random subjects. You may be lucky enough to spy a board on Neopian worlds. This is a slow moving board, but not that slow. It only dates back maybe, 12 hours. If you wake up early enough, it will go back into the previous day.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: Simple answer. People asking for items for quests, and people helping people complete quests.

Role Playing
Acronym: RPC

What Happens Here: Roleplaying. Obviously.

Shop Ads
Acronym: None

What Happens Here: Buying, selling, and advertising shops. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Spotlights and Galleries
Acronym: SAGC

What Happens Here: Ratings, and topics related to NeoPets but not exactly on the subject of this board.

Stock Tips
Acronym: None

What Happens Here: Stock chat boards, Stock Market questions, and other Stock Market related boards.

Acronym: None

What Happens Here: Buying, selling, and advertising trades and auctions. Nothing unusual.

Acronym: VPC

What Happens Here: Many boardss on many topics. Some are related to Virtupets, but most of it is not.

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