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NeoPets Cheats


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NeoPets cheats

NeoPets Cheats
by Mr Muffinman/Jenn; additional secrets by Meera(dachari08)

The latest NeoPets cheats have been listed below. No, you cannot get frozen for using these cheats. NeoPets designed them for you to use. These cheat codes should be entered in while or before playing the game. Some games are just too hard to play without the help of a little code.

Most Benefical NeoPets Cheats

a5paragu5 Recieve a Bigger Mallet in Whack-a-Staff-Member
buuuurrrrrrrrp Your bloat decreases by 50% in Snowmuncher
destroyboulders Will remove all blocks of one colour in Destruct-O-Match II (once per game)
dieter Multiple your points by 100 in snow muncher, although it does not sustain that way
faeriebubbles Turns all the bubbles turn into one type in the game Faerie Bubbles
faerieland In faerie bubbles, it switches bubbles to Rainbow Bubbles
fishnegg Creates 50 extra points when you recieve a fishtnegg
lava Creates a shield in Volcano Run
nopopups Closes all popups in Advert Attack
novisitors Extra 30 seconds on the timer in Moon Rock Rampage (once per game)
oscillabot Gives you an extra attempt at petpetsitter
pyramibread Gives you ulimited hints in Suteks Tomb to line up 3 in a row
rainbownegg Creates a 25 points rainbow negg in Jelly Blobs of Doom
rampage Extra life in Moon Rock Rampage (once per game)
scallywags Creates a whirlpool in dubloon disaster (uh oh!)
slumberberry The blocks in Faerie Bubbles disappear
stardust In faerie bubbles, it switches bubbles to Nova Bubbles
superlaser Double laser range in Moon Rock Rampage (once per game, resets at end of level)
turdle Creates a turdle on your opponents side

NeoPets Cheats for Extra Lives, Hints, Points and Time
custard Get more time in Carnival of Terror
doughnutfruit Resests the timer in Hasse Bounce once per game
frumball Get an extra life in Frumball
hungrymeepits Get an extra life in Meepit Juice Break
juice-o-matic Resets ALL meepit’s timers in Meepit Juice Break
kreludor Get an extra life in Kreludan Mining Corp
marrow Get an extra life in Attack of the Slorgs
plzsutekcanihavemoretime Get 30 seconds extra in Suteks Tomb
rehaxtint Get an extra letter hint in The Castle of Eliv Thade
scarabaeus Get 30 seconds extra in Suteks Tomb
sheperd Double your score in Gourmet Food Bowls
spiderbite Get an extra life in Korbat’s Lab
trappedkadoaties Get an extra life in Warf Rescue Team

NeoPets Cheats for Skipping Levels
kougra Skips level in frumball
kougra Skips level on Meriball, but resets points, but lose your score
superbowl Skips levels in gourmet club bowls
ummaginethief Skip level in Grand Theft Ummagine, but lose your score

Useless but Fun Cheats
dirigibles A blimp floats across the screen in Mynci Beach Volleyball
meepit juice break click on the green meepits right eye and a guy will pop up


lrlrss Horak
lrslsts Theibos
sltltsr Khadir
sslrtrl Ramset

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