NeoPets Guides – Healing Potions


NeoPets Guides – Healing Potions


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NeoPets Guides – Healing Potion Guide

For those of you who are battledomers, this is a complete guide to healing potions that you can use in/outside the battledome.

Healing Potions That Be Used OUTSIDE The Battledome

This following list lists healing potions that are used OUTSIDE of the battledome which cannot be “equiped,” they are “used” on your NeoPet.

Healing Potion I
HealsHit Point
Healing Potion II
HealsHit Points
Healing Potion III
HealsHit Points
Healing Potion IV
HealsHit Points
Healing Potion V
HealsHit Points
Healing Potion VI
Heals10Hit Points
Healing Potion VII
Heals12Hit Points
Healing Potion VIII
Heals15Hit Points
Healing Potion IX
Heals20Hit Points
Healing Potion X
Heals25Hit Points
Healing Potion XI
Heals35Hit Points
Healing Potion XII
Heals45Hit Points
Healing Potion XIII
Heals50Hit Points
Healing Potion XIV
Heals60Hit Points
Healing Potion XV
Heals70Hit Points
Healing Potion XVI
Heals80Hit Points
Healing Potion XVII
Heals90Hit Points
Healing Potion XVIII
Heals100Hit Points
Healing Potion XIX
Heals150Hit Points
Dewberry Reviver
Heals175Hit Points
Essence of Everlasting Apple
Heals250Hit Points
Super Strength Healing Potion
Heals225Hit Points
Bubbling Healing Goo
Heals200Hit Points

Healing Potions Used INSIDE The Battledome

This list lists the healing potions that is used INSIDE the Battledome which means they cannot be “used,” they are “equiped.” (You can use them while the battle comenses!)

Lime Elixir
HealsHit Points
Ubikiberry Elixir
HealsHit Points
Juicy Elixir
HealsHit Points
Pale Elixir
HealsHit Points
Bombaberry Elixir
Heals11Hit Points
Puce Elixir
Heals15Hit Points

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